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2025-2026 Budget Planning

At a public board meeting held Thursday, February 13, 2025, the Board of Trustees released the 2025-2026 Draft Budget

We value pre-budget community consultation, and our trustees truly want to hear from the public. Feedback regarding the 2025/26 Draft Budget can be made by letter directed to the Board of Trustees, by email at or by appearing as a delegation, in person, at the regular board meeting on Thursday, February 27, 2025. Parties interested in appearing as a delegation are required to email their notice to appear and written presentation to Emily Vickers at by Wednesday, February 19, 2025.

2025-2026 draft budget

2025-2026 associated public schedules

Previous Frame Budgets:

2024/25 Frame Budget

2023/24 Frame Budget

2022/23 Frame Budget

2021/22 Frame Budget

2020/21 Frame Budget

2019/20 Frame Budget

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