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Oak Park Community Updates

Greetings Oak Park students and families,

Our number one priority is to create a safe, clean, and welcoming learning environment for students, staff, and our community.   

This page will provide up-to-date information specific to Oak Park High School.

2024/2025 School Year Start-Up

We are looking forward to welcoming your children back to school next week. A few reminders prior to opening day. When making timetable changes please bear in mind that most of our class sizes are already at capacity. Our counsellors are doing their best to help your child with their course requests and priority needs. For our grade 9’s a full timetable would be 9-10 courses. Grade 10’s should have 8, while our 11’s and 12’s will range from 6-8. Students need 30 credits to graduate. Grade 12 students had priority in the spring to make timetable changes. Should they need to make any additional changes they can do so next week. All timetable changes must be completed by September 8th . No further changes will be granted after this date.

School Photos are taking place Tuesday, August 29 to Thursday, August 31 from 8:30-3:30 in the gym. Please make sure that your child gets their picture taken so that they get their student ID card and picture in the yearbook. No appointment is necessary.

First day of classes for all students is September 4. Grade 9 students only will report to school in the AM only starting at 8:30. Students will make their way to the gym for the welcome assembly. They will spend the morning becoming acclimatized to the school and meet all of their teachers. Grade 10-12 students will report to school in the afternoon beginning at 1:10 pm. Students will make their way to the gym for the welcome back assembly. Please do not send any supplies on the first day. All students will resume the regular timetable schedule on Thursday, September 5. Students will receive their lockers during timetable changes or the first week of classes. 

Student parking request information will come out the week before classes resume email and Permission Click, first come first serve as spaces are limited. 

The General Student Fee of $75.00 paid by all students is collected by September 27 via Permission Click. This Fee is directed towards costs attributed to: 

  1. *Co-curricular programming opportunities, guest speakers, school events, etc;
  2.  *Maintenance, repair and replacement of locks for lockers; 
  3. *Operation (beautification, equipment, seating, supplies) of ancillary and cafeteria spaces; 
  4. *Partial subsidy for cafeteria and hallway supervision during lunch hours; 
  5. *Partial subsidy towards transportation costs for field trips; 
  6. *School-wide communications for students (i.e. handbooks, school-life promotions, etc.);
  7. *Support for arts, clubs, social action, sport and intramurals, student council events/initiatives; 
  8. *All students will receive a school yearbook.

    See you soon!

Mme. Girardin Vice-Principal, Mr. McLean Vice-Principal, Mrs. Bracken Principal

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