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Peer Tutoring Program

Oak Park's Peer Tutors are volunteers. Please be respectful of our peer tutors' time; if you make an appointment please be on time and prepared to work.

Here at École secondaire Oak Park High School we have learned that there is great value and opportunity for a wide array of students that can be provided by a peer tutoring program. The Peer Tutoring program offers students extra support with one-on-one assistance from another student who has a thorough understanding of the concepts to achieve academic success.


Are you in need of tutoring services?

  • To get started connecting with a tutor, please complete the online form. The information collected on this form will help facilitate a connection with a tutor whose availability and skill set match your stated area of need.
  • Once the form is completed, keep an eye on your Edsby messages for a message linking you up with a tutor and a suggested meeting time.
  • The peer tutoring program is led by students and supported by the Teacher Supervisors (Mr. Mathewson and Mrs. McGonigal), who will review the tutoring requests and help set up tutors for students in need.


Do you want to become a peer tutor?

  • Peer tutors must be students in grades 10, 11, and 12 who have achieved high levels of academic success in a specific subject, have a positive attitude towards learning, and have a desire to help fellow students.
  • Peer tutors must be caring and patient in addition to being strong academically.
  • The role of a peer tutor is to assist the student in learning how to perform the skill independently; this means the tutor is there to help the tutee, not do the work for them.
  • Please note that all applicants will be screened for suitability and paired with a tutee that corresponds to the subject of interest.  
  • All tutoring sessions will be done at school, face-to-face at times that are mutually agreeable to both the tutor and the tutee.
  • Application forms are available below, or paper copies are available in the science department office.


If you have questions about the program or connecting with a tutor, please email Mr. Mathewson ( or Mrs. McGonigal (


If you are interested in becoming an Oak Park Peer Tutor, please complete the online application form on the bottom of the page.

If you would like a peer tutor, please complete the online REQUEST form at the bottom of the page.


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