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2024/2025 School Year Start-Up

Welcome back Oak Park students and families!
 We are looking forward to seeing you in a few short weeks. We hope that you have had a wonderful, restful summer.
 Our hope is that in your time at Oak Park, you will discover new interests, strengthen friendships, and experience a deep sense of belonging, confidence, and success. We look forward to students sharing their talents in academics, athletics, and the arts. We are excited to see students engage in a variety of extra curricular and social action/social justice activities throughout the year. 
Please anticipate notifications through School Messenger for school-wide announcements. Permission Click is used for permission granting purposes, admissions to events, and all fee payments. Edsby is used for up-to-date information about your timetable, class activity and group information (extra-curricular).
 Stay informed about important announcements and information by regularly visiting our school website:  News items in the banner and the school calendar are regularly maintained. Follow us on Instagram oakpark_raiders and Twitter @OakPark_Raiders to catch all the news. When in doubt, please contact our office! 
 You will find your timetable attached.  We have worked very hard to make sure that you are in the courses that you requested.  For grade 9's and all new students coming to Oak Park, please watch for your timetable in the mail.
 If you find that one of your first-choice courses is not listed, it is because it conflicts with another course of your choice or because it is not running during this school year due to limited requests.  If there is a blank space in your timetable, we are asking that you make an appointment to see one of the student services teachers if you wish to try to fill it.  Students may also opt for a spare in their timetable which can be used for homework completion and study purposes.  As stated above, we have made every effort to schedule you into your first-choice courses and only placed you in your optional course if it was impossible
 to accommodate your choices. 
 School begins September 4, 2024 in the morning for grade 9’s, new students and ISP are welcome to join us in the morning for tours and BBQ. Grades 10-12 begin on September 4, 2024 in the afternoon. Regular classes for all students begin September 5.
 See you all soon!
 Mme. Girardin Vice-Principal, Mr. McLean Vice-Principal, Mrs. Bracken Principal

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