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How To Register

Welcome to the Middle Years! Allez les tigres!

Mme MacLeod and Mme Stephanie Isaac, École Viscount Alexander's leadership team, along with current staff and students, are excited to present all that awaits in the middle years to new members of the EVA learning community. 

We extend a heart-felt welcome to all new students and their families and are pleased to continue collaborating with our current families. 

We extend a heart-felt welcome to all new families and are pleased to continue collaborating with our continuing families. We look forward to meeting all new students. You will find all pertinent information through ÉVA’s website, at We encourage you to also join our learning community on Instagram (@ecole_va).

We look forward to welcoming you to École Viscount Alexander on Tuesday, April 8th starting at 6:00 pm.

Registration Process:

To register your child, please complete a Registration Form and email to the school address found at the bottom of this page. The following documentation must be attached to complete the registration process:

  • Your child's birth certificate
  • Proof of residency (e.g. lease agreement, mortgage documents or utility bills)
  • Your child's 9 digit personal Manitoba Health information (9 digit personal identification number)
  • Name and phone number of an emergency contact
  • Parent/guardian home and work phone numbers

The following information is for students new to EVA's catchment area for the 2022-23 school year:


A)   Within Catchment.  Complete school registration forms (see Useful Links below). 

  • Provide proof of guardianship. (Birth Certificate, legal guardianship letter, court documents, etc.) 
  • Provide proof of residency. (Lease Agreement, Mortgage/Lease papers, Home Purchase Agreement, Manitoba Hydro bill, etc.) 
  • Provide a copy of the student’s most recent report card. 

B)   School of Choice 

  • If you wish to attend a school not in your catchment area or if you are from another division, you may apply to attend another school. Please visit our School of Choice guidelines and application forms.
  • Accepted SOC students are not eligible for bussing 

 C)   Permanent Resident 

  • Everything from Option A.
  • Must bring in landing documents (parents & students) to the school for copying for student file and processing by our division office  
  • Must bring in Permanent Resident card for copying (if applicable) 
  • Everything from Option B only if applying as School of Choice.

D)   All Other Newcomers to Canada (Visa, ISP, Refugee, etc.) 

If you are new to the country and are NOT a Permanent Resident of Canada, please contact Ms. Donna Gray at the Pembina Trails School Division International Student Program’s (ISP) Office for verification (  Please send her the following documents in PDF format (only):

  • All passports for your family
  • all Work, Study and Visitor Permits
  • Letter of acceptance and / or job offer
  • Rental agreement or a utility bill (MB Hydro, Winnipeg Water, or cable) that proves your address
  • Child(ren)'s birth certificate


When the verification process is complete, the ISP office will provide the school office with Verification of Status Documents. The name of the school in your area (based on your address) will be stated.  Subsequently, someone from your school will be in contact with you with further information about your child’s start at school.

To see which school is in your catchment area please check your address on our school locator.  

A school staff member will contact you to complete your school application.  Please click on the school link and follow the directions.

Upon completion and receipt of your application, the school will contact you with further information for your child(ren)’s start of school.


If your child has any medical needs or concerns (nut allergy, asthma, epi-pen, etc.) please clearly indicate the health concern on the registration form and check with one of the school secretaries to ensure the necessary medical papers are prepared before your child starts school.  If medication or medical treatment is required, we may request that an authorization form be completed by your doctor.


For registrations throughout the school year, please contact your school office directly. Appointments to complete the registration process can be made by contacting the school office.

Our lunch registration is completed in early September and information regarding fees and expectations will be distributed during the first few days of school. 

We look forward to welcoming you to our school community.

Glenys MacLeod                                                                                                    
Principal/ Directrice 

Stephanie Isaac
Directeur Adjoint/Vice Principal     

Other Useful Links:

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